Sunday Worship for 17 January 2021
Worship for Sunday 17 January is now available:
Worship for Sunday 17 January is now available:
Sunday Worship for 24 January 2021 is now available:
Acts 16:9-15 John 5:1-9 I had a dream last night. This voice said, “on your marks, get set, go!” and I woke up with a start. I dreamt I wrote The Hobbit the other night. I think I was Tolkein in my sleep. Whatever you dream about, whether you remember them or not, whether you…
Matthew 2:1-12 There will be no camels, because we’re going on horseback, at least for some of the way. And we won’t arrive there a few hours after everyone else. It will be weeks, perhaps, or months. We aren’t in a hurry. That isn’t the way we work; we are not Europeans. We will discuss…
Genesis 12:1-4a John 3:1-17 Leaving the known for the unknown takes a lot of courage, so Abram did something pretty remarkable when he upped sticks and took his wife and family (and all their possessions) into the unknown – trusting that the Lord would indeed bless them in their journeying and on into a promised…
Acts 1:1-11 Luke 24:44-53 Is the ascension a fictional story of something that couldn’t have happened, written by people in an age when they still thought the earth was flat, of no relevance to us today? Or is it – although impossible to explain in modern rational and scientific terms – a literal truth? The…
Psalm 109:12-16 Luke 6:32-36 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 It was in 1755 that Dr. Samuel Johnson published the first edition of his famous Dictionary. Johnson was well known for his dry wit, with entries such as: Lexicographer: A harmless drudge that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words. Oats: A grain, which…