Sunday Worship – 14 February 2021
Worship for Sunday 14 February is now available:
Worship for Sunday 14 February is now available:
Pause for Thought for St. Patrick’s Day – 17 March 2021 – is available now:
Our service for Palm Sunday 2021 is now available:
Ezra 3:6-11 Acts 17:24 During the time of Queen Elizabeth the first, there were many Christians in Farnham who discovered God through the Reformed way, known then as being puritans (don’t judge that term through 21st century thought!). Despite the residence of the Lord Bishop of Winchester in Farnham Castle, the town was stocked full…
Acts 9:1-20 One of Shakespeare’s more famous speeches is given to Portia in The Merchant of Venice: The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. If you take those words and…
Mark 9:2-13 Transformation and transfiguration are not experiences to be taken lightly or dismissed as religious nonsense. There are events in all our lives which do not have simple explanations; things that happen to us that we don’t entirely comprehend. Sometimes they are good things, unforgettable, life-enhancing moments. Sometimes they are terrifying. Sometimes we take…
Matthew 16:13-20 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8 An article in a recent issue of Reform magazine asked “what will the church be like in 40 years?” They asked four people in various positions of leadership throughout the church to give their view, and these were published in the magazine. Firstly, they asked Susan Durber, the principal of…