Pause for Thought – 6 November 2020
This week’s Pause for Thought is now available:
This week’s Pause for Thought is now available:
Pause for Thought is now available:
Based upon a published sermon by the Revd Dr Susan Durber Ephesians 1:15-23 When you read a job description, it tells you the qualifications that you need for the job. For instance, if you want to teach French, you need to be able to speak French. If you want to be a solicitor, you need…
You might remember that Boris Johnson said that he would chain himself to the bulldozers in order to stop a third runway being built at Heathrow Airport. And you might have noticed that this week, when parliament voted on whether there should be a third runway at Heathrow, instead of voting as he’d said he…
Pause for Thought for Ash Wednesday 2021:
Matthew 13:18-23 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 A farmer turns up to evensong and discovers that he and the vicar are the only people there. “What shall we do?”, asks the vicar. “Well”, replies the farmer, “If I goes to feed my sheep and only one turns up, I feeds her.” So after four hymns, two…
Matthew 16:13-20 Too many churches want nothing to do with Jesus. Wait a minute! Isn’t that a bit judgemental? And on Church Anniversary! What I mean is this: many of the assumptions some Christians make about the church bear only the most meagre resemblance to what Jesus teaches about the subject. This evening, I want…