Pause for Thought – 3 February 2021
Pause for Thought for 3 February 2021 is now available:
Pause for Thought for 3 February 2021 is now available:
Ephesians 5:15-20 24 May is as close as you get to a holy day in the Methodist Church, because 24 May 1738 was the day on which John Wesley’s heart was “strangely warmed”, and he was at in a house in Aldersgate Street that evening, and so the Sunday before 24 May is always celebrated…
Genesis 1:1-2:3 Romans 8:18-25 Matthew 6:25-34 A man was very surprised when a good-looking young lady greeted him, as he couldn’t remember ever having seen her before. She realized that she’d made a mistake, and apologized, saying, “I ‘m so sorry. When I first saw you I thought you were the father of two of…
Luke 10:1-20 What a good job Jesus isn’t in charge of organising the rotas! Can you imagine? Everybody’s milling around in the foyer after the service, and then Jesus steps into the middle of the room, clearing his throat and holding up a clipboard as he says loudly, “excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention…
Morning Worship for Sunday 18 October 2020 is now available. This is led by Liam Sheridan, a lay preacher from Alton Methodist Church, and is offered for the five churches of Alton, Elstead, Farnham, Hale, and Rowledge.
Psalm 90 Malachi 4:1-2 Luke 21:5-19 A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. Those time-honoured words of Isaac Watts are sung at most Remembrance Sunday services, because they put our fleeting mortality into the context of God’s eternity. Watts…
Matthew 2:1-12 There will be no camels, because we’re going on horseback, at least for some of the way. And we won’t arrive there a few hours after everyone else. It will be weeks, perhaps, or months. We aren’t in a hurry. That isn’t the way we work; we are not Europeans. We will discuss…