Pause for Thought – 18 September 2020
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1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 From the earliest days of the Church, and indeed from before the foundation of the Church, there has been a conflict between two world views. That conflict can be summed up as being between Love and Law or, if you prefer, between salvation by faith and salvation by works. …
Romans 8:24-39 In wishing you a Happy New year, it would be very easy to do so with a heavy heart. As 2018 ended, it was very easy to feel that the world was falling apart. News from the United States has rarely been encouraging in recent years, and the new year has begun with…
This week’s Pause for Thought is published by our minister Philip, and available here:
John 20:1-18 Recently a group of Swiss psychologists have published research showing that the closer we are to someone, the less visual our memory of them is. What they mean is that we’re often better at remembering what strangers look like than our nearest and dearest. This is because we remember people we love at…
Part 1 Genesis 12:1-5b In his first law of motion, Isaac Newton stated that everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces applied to it. I think that might very have applied to Abraham and Sarah, as we’ve come to know them. They were settled in their retirement…
Psalm 23 We probably all feel that we know Psalm 23 off by heart. It’s often read or sung at funerals, and used to be popular at weddings because the Queen chose it for her wedding. It’s a psalm that is an affirmation that God will provide for us during our life – it’s for…