Our first Forest Church – October 2020
Sixteen of us gathered in Farnham Park (facilitated by an array of licences, risk assessments, insurances etc.) for our inaugural Forest Church on the afternoon of Sunday 18 October. We were a wide mixture of ages, but we found in common warmth, welcome, and encountering God outdoors.
We gathered, in socially distanced household groups, to begin with a prayer, and then enjoyed various activities to help us meet God. There were opportunities to create using leaves, sticks, acorns, and other natural items, to tie prayer ribbons, to reflect using our fingers and using grass, and exploring the sky and the trees. Several of us also enjoyed an opportunity simply to enjoy a beautiful outdoor space.
After our activities we gathered again, still in our socially distanced family groups, for an opportunity for those who wished to share something of their experiences, and for some closing prayers.
Anna says ‘it was really good because you got to go to different zones and I really like being outside. It’s a really good way of meeting up and still being socially distanced’.
We meet again in December, towards sunset, for a Forest church focussing on light. If you’d like me more details email michael@spirechurchfarnham.org.uk