Looking up

Isaiah 58:9b-14 Luke 13:10-17 There was some controversy when the Natural History Museum in London announced that they were moving the diplodocus from the main entrance hall, to be replaced with the blue whale. It turns out the diplodocus had only been there 35 years, despite the claims of changing what had been since time…

The family school

Proverbs 1:1-9 Philippians 4:4-9 Mark 10:13-16 I heard of a young mother who gave birth to twins, and rang the local newspaper to put a notice in the personal column. She gave the person at the other end all the details, but unfortunately the reception was bad, and she was asked, ‘will you repeat that?’…

Dear Martha

Luke 10:38-42 Colossians 1:15-20 Dear Martha, I wanted to write you a letter, to let you know how much I admire you. I see a good deal of what’s best about the followers of Jesus in the way you lived your life. When Jesus sent his disciples out to prepare a way for him in…

Bargaining with God

Genesis 18:20-32 Luke 11:1-13 ‘Please, Grandma!’ begs Chloe. She wants an ice cream, and Grandma thinks it’s too close to tea time. The stage is set for some fierce bargaining. Chloe promises to eat all her tea if she can have an ice cream now, this minute. Grandma suggests that she can have the ice…


2 Kings 5:1-14 For much of his career, F.W. de Klerk was a sound conservative, solidly pro-apartheid politician. He rose through the ranks, yet became the one to dismantle apartheid, in direct contrast to his earlier policies. Likewise, Mikhail Gorbechov was a solid communist, who worked his way through the ranks. Once he had become…

The labourers are few

Luke 10:1-20 What a good job Jesus isn’t in charge of organising the rotas! Can you imagine? Everybody’s milling around in the foyer after the service, and then Jesus steps into the middle of the room, clearing his throat and holding up a clipboard as he says loudly, “excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention…

Angry for the gospel

Galatians 1:1-12 People can get angry about the smallest things. Of course it never ever happens to me – I never turn into Victor Meldew, and irascible is not my middle name, but I do see people get angry so often about such trivial things. Road rage is common, for instance, although you can understand…