A Message from Rev Chris Blake, Circuit Superintendent concerning Rev Conrad Hicks
Earlier this week the Methodist Council agreed to recommend to the President of the Methodist Conference that the Rev Conrad Hicks be appointed to serve as Director of Global Relationships and to lead the World Church Relationship Team of the British Methodist Church.
The appointment will be full time from September 1st, 2019 but Conrad will be involved in his new role in a part time capacity from the start of April. Details of this will be worked out to enable a smooth transition.
There will be implications for our own Circuit staffing pattern in order to ensure that all our Circuit churches continue to receive appropriate Ministerial support. The Circuit Leadership Team will meet this week to begin to explore these matters in preparation for consideration at the March Circuit Meeting.
When Conrad asked for two successive one-year extensions, he made it clear that he was seeking God’s will for his next appointment; but whilst he is obviously pleased to be entering a role working with the World Church, he is very conscious that this means he will be leaving one year earlier than expected.
We congratulate Conrad on his appointment to this significant role in the Methodist Church and we will pray for him during the time of transition ahead.
Rev Chris Blake, Circuit Superintendent, February 1st 2019